Friday, April 26, 2013

final post





1. Identify cross-border phenomena influencing the international tourism system


Cross border phenomena are very important and related to my topic.  Tourism and terrorism is not specific to any one country, it is more of a regional issue.



2. Identify current travel issues impacting the international tourism industry


My topic is about how people are scared to travel to the regions where terrorism and kidnappings of tourists occur.  This lowers the amount of tourists who travel to the region.



3. Identify different perspectives existing within an international country


Most people in the region are against the paramilitary organizations in the region.  They support the government and denounce the terrorist activities going on in their countries.



4. Understand tourism development and contemporary tourism issues from a global community perspective


This is an issue that affects us all.  It hurts the people living in the region who must live in these conditions.  It also impacts the tourists who want to travel to this area of the world but do not because of fear.  This in turn is bad for the region’s economy because these tourists would be spending money in their local environment.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kidnappings in Columbia

Tourism in the beautiful South American Country of Columbia is overshadowed by the dark looming threat of terrorism.  Several guerilla paramilitary organizations, such as the FARC, ELN, and M-19, exist in the country and have been fighting against the government for decades.  One way that these groups finance their activities is by kidnapping tourists and government officials and holding them for ransom.  Drug cartels in the country are known to do use the same tactic, and common criminals have also started committing kidnappings as a way to get money.  The amount of kidnappings rose steadily from the 1970’s to 2000.  In the year 2000, authorities estimate that the amount of kidnapped people was over 3500.  Since then that number has declined significantly, but not disappeared.

Another tactic being used that is much harder to protect against is called express kidnappings, or millionaire tours.  In this type of kidnapping, the terrorist group demands a small ransom that can be paid easily and quickly.  Many of these crimes go on without ever being reported to the police.  Also, ATM abductions are common in larger cities, where a victim is kidnapped and lead to an ATM and forced to withdraw money from their account.

These criminal and terrorist organizations fund their operations by kidnapping tourists.  However, the bigger picture impact they have on the country is by the stigma they have created.  Tourists are scared to visit Columbia, which is perhaps one reason why the number of kidnappings has decreased by so much.  This lack of tourism has a negative economic effect on the country.  I encourage those reading this and those who are considering visiting Columbia to visit right now and raise their awareness on this issue.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary

A UNESCO World Heritage Site that is not in danger that relates to my topic is the Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary.  This site includes Malpelo Island off the coast of Columbia and the surrounding marine environment.  It is one of the largest no fishing zones in the tropical pacific.  It provides a safe haven for endangered species and has even become well known as a reservoir for sharks.  It is also an extremely popular diving destination because of it is a no fishing zone and because of the exceptional biodiversity.  This site embodies all five principles of a unique, successful and sustainable world heritage site.


Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi

The Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Danger.  This means that this site is of important cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage committee considers extremely valuable.

This site is a group of domed tombs, made with thatched roofs of wood, reeds and wattle.  The tombs were built in the Kampala district hillsides in Uganda during the 13th century.  The tombs at Kasubi are among the most active religious sites in the kingdom and it is also an important cultural and historical landmark for all Ugandans.

Recently, there was a fire which burned down the main tomb building.  This has taken away from the site’s authenticity and quality.  The site has not been preserving and protecting its resources as well.  They know that the greatest threat to the site is fire, and now have just begun to create a detailed risk management plan that will address the issue.  They plan on rebuilding the main tomb in the same manner as it was done in the 13th century.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mano Cambiada

This Colombian tourism business, located in the nuqui – choco region of Colombia, was started by two local women.  These women submitted their business plan in a contest, which they ended up winning and receiving start-up funding as their prize.  Mano Cambiada is a community run ecotourism company that is heavily focused on sustainable development of the region.  They aim to link the value chain, as they call it, which is all of the fishermen, craftsmen, innkeepers, restaurateurs, etc.  This leads to a more organic experience for tourist and more respect for the host community.  Mano Cambiada also does social projects like a migration festival and an artist residence in the area.  This company exists to improve conditions for the region via tourism. 

Mano Cambiada is an excellent illustration of the cornerstones for fair trade and responsible tourism.

Fair working conditions: this company promotes tourism as a means to improve living conditions in the area as well as to promote autonomous management and leadership by the people who live there

Fair prices: this company uses its funds, grants and partnerships to promote sustainable tourism

Integration into local economy and regional development: mano cambiada aims to link the local economy together which leads to a better experience for tourists and better results for the local community.  The choco region is an extremely unique ecosystem that mano cambiada looks to protect, which is why they promote sustainable development.

Fair trade partnerships: mano cambiada has several partnerships and grants, including one with the U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID)

Sustainable resource use and environmental justice: this company is all about sustainable resource use and promoting environmental justice.  This is why they exist, to protect the local environment and community, and to promote sustainable development to improve the region.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tourism Risk Management

I found a great website called "economia autonoma" which has tons of information about tourism risk management, specifically in South America.  This site summarizes all of the risks facing tourists and how to minimize those risks.  Also it talks all about how tourism and terrorism are influenced by things like the economy, media, drugs and drug trafficking.  They look ahead to the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics that are being held in Brazil.  These massive, global events will cast the world's gaze on Brazil and South America for an extended period of time.  It is extremely important for these events to focus on safety for the many tourists that will be attending.  For each of these issues, this website gives a bunch of tips to improve the common tourist's risk management abilities.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kidnapping in South America

In 2004, South America accounts for 65 percent of the entire world's kidnapping cases.  This is a serious issue in the entire region.  That number has decreased because of increases in kidnappings in other regions of the world since 2004.  Still, large numbers of tourists flock to South America each year.

In 2009, Washington Nationals catcher, Wilson Ramos, was kidnapped at gunpoint outside of his mother's home in Venezuela.  He was rescued two days later.  He was kidnapped by common criminals trying to make some easy money.  Kidnapping committed by common criminals is happening more often than those done by drug cartels or guerilla terrorist organizations in the area.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My name is Dillon and I am the author of this blog.  I have created this blog for my PRT International tourism class.  The topic that this blog will be about is tourism and terrorism.  International tourists need to be aware of the dangers they face.  In this blog I will share experiences of those who have dealt first hand with this type of terrorist activity.  I will also explore the industry of terror and tourism and try to understand why this criminal behavior is happening.this blog will also be a way for me to share advice and tips on how to stay safe and not become a target.  So thank you for checking out my blog and I hope you enjoy reading.