Friday, April 26, 2013

final post





1. Identify cross-border phenomena influencing the international tourism system


Cross border phenomena are very important and related to my topic.  Tourism and terrorism is not specific to any one country, it is more of a regional issue.



2. Identify current travel issues impacting the international tourism industry


My topic is about how people are scared to travel to the regions where terrorism and kidnappings of tourists occur.  This lowers the amount of tourists who travel to the region.



3. Identify different perspectives existing within an international country


Most people in the region are against the paramilitary organizations in the region.  They support the government and denounce the terrorist activities going on in their countries.



4. Understand tourism development and contemporary tourism issues from a global community perspective


This is an issue that affects us all.  It hurts the people living in the region who must live in these conditions.  It also impacts the tourists who want to travel to this area of the world but do not because of fear.  This in turn is bad for the region’s economy because these tourists would be spending money in their local environment.

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